Saturday, November 07, 2009


Wow, I really need to update my blog so I'll start off with the biggest news...I'M PREGNANT!!
I am 7 weeks as of right now. It has been crazy and so exciting at the same time. I'm just now getting over being nauseated (sp?) Which is kinda weird because my doctor told me that I should expect to be nauseated until 10-12 weeks. I hope everything is ok!!!

I found out on week 3 I believe. I am very regular, and I noticed I was a bit late although I was still cramping so I didn't think too much of it. It was a Friday evening. I was on my way to the Alvarado football game and I stopped by at Walgreens to buy a test. Well since I'm not patient AT ALL, I took the test at Walgreens because I knew I was on my way to a football game and I for sure wasn't going to go to the bathroom there. IT WAS POSITIVE! I could barely keep my excitement in. I called Shaheen on the phone and told him. I wish I told him a better way but I was way too excited!!!

Ok, so I wish I would have blogged from week one but week 7 is pretty good. I started feeling sick to my stomach at week 4,5 and 6 but at week 7 it has faded away (or atleast I think). I haven't had any weird cravings, maybe it's too early for that. I have noticed that I don't have a sweet tooth at all which is so weird. Anything sweet just sounds so gross to me but not to Shaheen. He is always asking me if I want to go get icecream. haha I went to the doctor on Monday, November 2nd. We heard the heartbeat and it was fast and loud. He said everything looks healthy. Shaheen is hoping for a boy and I am hoping for a girl but we will be so blessed either way. I'm not showing just yet but hopefully that comes soon. I can't wait to have a cute round belly. I have been very nervous about something bad happening but I have been memorizing scripture and trying not to worry. Shaheen reminds me all the time that this is God's baby and not our baby.

That's the update for now!!!

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